I'm really surprised Steve Jobs wrote this and put it out there for all to see.
Essential thoughts:
1) Flash is not an open format
2) Flash is not necessary for the "full web" experience
3) Reliability/Security/Performance issues
4) Hardware (H.264) vs. software (Flash) video decoding and battery life
5) MouseOver events
6) Adobe wants to use Flash to create native iPhone/iPad/iPod touch apps
Thoughts on Flash
Friday, April 30, 2010
Jobs: Thoughts on Flash
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Volkswagen bik.e - Electric portable bike
The Volkswagen bik.e folds up into the size of a spare tire, goes for about 20 miles on a charge, and can be charged by being plugged in to the car.
Volkswagen bik.e replaces spare tire with electric mobility device [w/video] — Autoblog Green
Boy Scout Video Game Beltloop
You can now earn a belt loop by playing video games! Well, it's a little more involved, but still...
Video Games
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Is Bowersox Out?
Poor Bowersox. This is the first time all four judges said she didn't do a fantastic job. It was still fantastic, according to them, just not her best performance. They told everyone else that it was their best performance ever (mostly anyway). I wonder if that's all it will take for her to get voted off.
Hate the iPad?
This is, like, the opposite of an iPad. A keyboard with a tiny screen. I really like ASUS but I just can't imagine this succeeding.
ASUS EeeKeyboard
iRetrofone Base
One of my friends spent a fair amount of time and money to get an authentic 1970s rotary dial phone. Maybe he'll get this when he gets an iPhone.
iRetrofone Base