Wednesday, January 16, 2008

No Country for Old Men Sucks!

Argh! What a crappy movie. I can't think of one single thing I liked about it. Waste of $10. Why does every praise this movie so highly? 'A Simple Plan' was much better.

UPDATE: Please see the following for a more detailed explanation:
Slothful Geek: Review - No Country for Old Men vs. A Simple Plan


Jill said...

Ha! I posted a review on it too on Associated Content, but it hasn't been published yet. What a crappy movie.

Anonymous said...

I don't even have an account here, but I was searching for NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN SUCKS, because this is literally the worst movie I have seen this century. This was one of the first links to come up. I'm glad to see that you, whoever you even are, agree that this movie was terrible. It seems that everyone in the world, and their stupid mother, thinks this is some kind of masterpiece. This movie is a waste of talent, time, money, and most of all, my brain cells.

Anonymous said...

Do you guys never stop to think that maybe you're missing something if everyone seems to like it except for you? I've seen a lot of good movies, from The Godfather to Indiana Jones, but I've never been more thrilled by a film than No Country For Old Men. I think the reason you didn't enjoy it much is you missed a lot of the subtle nuances and themes. If I looked at it like the typical "Transformers" crowd does, I can see myself being bored out of my mind. Maybe you should see it again, because you'll probably see a lot more than you did the first time. It's one of the best movies ever made.

Pango said...

I agree that it's not a movie for the 'Transformers' crowd. However, I consider myself a movie buff. I spend more time re-watching DVDs than I do watching TV. See my more detailed post (the next one chronologically) to see exactly why I didn't like it.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love how those who liked this move take such offence to those who, like myself, thought it was a waste. Resorting to putting down others with an opposing view as a member of the "transformer" crowd is appalling. This movie had such great potential and just failed to deliver.

This has to be the most ludicrous statement I have heard all day:
"Do you guys never stop to think that maybe you're missing something if everyone seems to like it except for you?"
Either you are blind or purposely overlooking MOST of the reviews of the movie, but this movie was not enjoyed by many, not even close...

Anonymous said...

Oh I understand the intent of the writers alright. But the delivery of the message does not a good movie make, especially when that message is typical existentialist "TEH UNIVERSE SI UNCARING AND YUO SHOULD ACCEPT MANS FATE" tripe. "Old Men" features stupidly over-the-top violence, Glacial pacing, and turgid dialogue courtesy of Cormac (grim is cruise control for deep) McCarthy. Half-wit artists squeeze out post modern crap at clockwork intervals, and syncophant critics dutifully lick it up because they associate obscurity with profundity and ugliness with "truth". Screw it, the emperor has no clothes and a stupid emo phillips haircut. he has also rather quixotically, decided to try to silence a shotgun.

Anonymous said...

It sucked plain and simle Gone Baby was way better

Anonymous said...

Just wasted what felt like 5 hours watching this load of crap. First off, I am a deputy sheriff in Taylor county TX. (West TX) I have worked in Del Rio and El Paso. The movie was bad acting, bad locations, and bad writing. In short DONT GO SEE THIS MOVIE. your money and time

Anonymous said...

(*^&^%!!! I wish I'd read these reviews before I wasted several hours of my life!! Somehow in Hollywood talent+pointless violence+no point to the movie = critics accolades!
I'm also sick of people dissing "transformers" and writing off people who liked it. "Transformers" was pure entertainment - never pretended to be different. The skill involved in taking a flat 2D kids show and turning it into a movie entertaining enough that all ages enjoyed it far exceeds the skill involved to turn a well written script into the pointless drivel of "no country for old men"

Anonymous said...

I totally agree: THIS MOVIE TOTALLY SUCKS!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I wont say that it sucks but it was very over rated and at times slow and boring and had a aweful ending...and There Will Be Blood should have won best picture...

Anonymous said...

I really wanted to enjoy this movie. After hearing reviews like, "Best movie of our generation" and "Gripping, spellbinding action!" I assumed that between the awards it's nominated for and friends' reviews, this was a no brainer. Well, it was in fact a no brainer. I thought the acting in the movie was phenominal. Javier Bardem was unbelievable. His demeanor while ruthlessly killing dozens of people was frightening. However the acting was the sole bright spot in this movie as I found the story line and delivery dull and uninspiring. Maybe that makes me naive or a "Transformers Lover" (which, by the way, I've never seen) but this movie wasn't even in the top 100 movies I've ever seen. Karate Kid blew the doors off this one... I'd watch "She's the Man" before watching this again.

Anonymous said...

"Transformers" & "No Country for Old Men" BOTH SUCKED

And didn't the dude with the bad haircut look like "Stewart" from MadTV?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, maybe there is some hidden theme that I missed. But i don't give a shizzle "no country" sucked.

I especially hated that sheriff's soliloquies, WTF, one day I'm going to decipher what he said, it bored me to shiz.

Anyone agree? the sheriff = LAME?

Anonymous said...

I love movies that aren't mainstream,but this one was just crap.I mean: some redneck finds some money, and some ridiculous chimp spends the whole movie chasing him,killing everyone.The acting wasn't that good at all.I've seen performences a million times better unknown actors.I'm so happy that ppl feel the same way as me about this movie.I won't say it's shit,cuz then the NCFOM affictionados will wet their pampers.Seriously, if you haven't seen the movie yet,DON'T!
Go and see some other movie, with a STORY and some ACTING, not a (what i felt watching it) 6-hour crapfest.And those ppl who insult ppl who didn't like the movie by saying they're the guys who like "Transformers"=>You're doing the same thing as you insult the others for=> Liking a hyped up movie cuz everyone does, and cuz it won the oscar.An Oscar doesn't mean the movie doesn't suck.Grow some balls and don't say the movie's good cuz some corrupt queers say it is...
P.S.:Anyone else here feels that Eastern Promises should have won at least one oscar?

Anonymous said...

I don't mean that Transformers won an Oscar, i know it didnt.I just mean that "popular" movies like Transformers, Spider-man and other stuff made for earning money, is just the same thing as this.THE HYPES that other, what you say "crap" movies have, is just the same as this, only those movies have 1 thing: they're fu to watch , with SFX and all.This crap doesn't have anything to like.
No Country For Old Men => SHIT

go on ,shit your pants

Anonymous said...

no country for old men sucked it really did SUCK! what the fcuk was with the ending? boooooooooorrrrrrrrinnnnnnggg!

Anonymous said...

I just got back from seeing No Country For Old Men, and i had to do a search to see if i was mistaken about the awards that this movie received at the Oscars. I'm very confused. I lost faith in the academy's judgement.

Anonymous said...

Finally some sane people in this world who agree. This movie was a yawnfest. It was suspensful at first but I quickly lost intrest with all the plotholes. Lot of things left explained. I'm sick and tired of everyone who loved this movie, shoving their opinion down my throat. This idiotic killer running around killing people over a pack of gum. Blowing up a damn car to steal prescriptions. LOL! OOOH the world is a dangerous place. Broad daylight and nobody seeing shit? I feel that scaring the shit out of suburbanities is the best way to the Oscars. Had the serial killer been black i would have loved to see the reaction of critics. But yet the grim-reality of inner-cities gang-violence, poverty, school shootings have no effect. Boring movie, worst excecution, pointless dailogue that went nowhere.

Anonymous said...

A total suckfest this film was. Congrats to everyone here who saw it for what it was. I feel your pain. What made it so bad for me was that, at the halfway point, I was thinking, "Yeah! This is going to kick ASS!" And then it imploded like a rotten pumpkin. I could care less whether the Coen Bros. were being faithful to the book. They should have been creative enough to write a better second half. What a waste of acting talent. I hereby defecate on this ridiculously hyped letdown of a film.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think "syncophant critics dutifully lick it up because they associate obscurity with profundity and ugliness with "truth"." hit it right on the nose. Critics seem to only love things that are odd. Any movie that seems to speak about the good of humanity, critics hate. Why is that? What has happened to The Academy. They seem to only love movies that say how evil we are, even when those movies are not well made. No Country said nothing to except "life sucks, accept it." Well, I refuse to. I can't believe they loved this and hated movies like Reign Over Me,Stranger Than Fiction, Dan In Real Life, and Martian Child. These movies speak of the good we can do in our lives.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if it sucked but it wasn't very good. 2 stars at best. I usually enjoy Cohen movies but this one just didn't do it for me. It won awards because this was a very week year. This movie could have been great but gell short in my IMHO

Anonymous said...

This movie was very dissapointing. This years Oscar for best picture almost dissapointed me like 2004 when Mystic River got robbed by the Lord of the Rings

Anonymous said...

Finally someone has figured out that this movie was bad!!! It was praised so highly that I watched it just because of all the awards, but boy was that a mistake!! The acting was OK, but the storyline was soooooo slow, it was basically another over glorified gory disgusting movie. And anyone who's saying that there is a "deeper meaning" just stuff it and stop trying to be all philosophical, this movie was bad and we only believe that there was something good because the critics told us to

Anonymous said...

Well if there was a "hidden message" it doesn't matter because if the movie sucks so bad that I don't want to see it than the hidden message is never seen. A message doesn't make a movie, there has to be substance within it, and there was nothing worth watching in this movie except perhaps this "hidden message"

Anonymous said...

Quite frankly, I liked the first half, despite the sloooow pacing. I have no problem with violence, thats one of the reasons I wanted to watch this. However, I think the went from decent to UTTERLY BLOW at about 2/3 of the way through. Hollywoods only giving this turd awards because "oh boy, a movie with a bad ending! Hate those goody goody endings that EVERYONE LIKES." If you havent seen it, here it is, Ill save you a rental. Good guy dies. Bad guy gets away. Guy that plays tough guy in every movie in Hollywood has looong monologues where he whines like a slapped puppy about how lifes getting worse, others around him whine that lifes always sucked. The End.

Anonymous said...

This movie was the worst piece of garbage that I have ever seen. Can't movie studios come up with somthing half decent. What gets me is that it won 3 Oscars...can you beleive that!! Hollywood critics really need to stop smoking crack and clear their head. It was slow, long, shit ending and what gets me is that they didn't show the guy stealing the money getting shot. Jerk off is chasing this guy across the country and finally gets shot and they don't even show it. If you bought this movie on DVD please use it as a coaster or better yet put it through a shredder and send it to the studio that produced it.


Anonymous said...

The movie is not in the same category as a stupid-ass Will Ferrell movie, but, it elevated the word "sucks" to a new level.
Do not waste your money or time on
this movie.

Anonymous said...

just saw this movie, it sucked ass . . . if you liked this movie your a fucked up individual

Anonymous said...

Why do all the critics love this piece of crap? Why did it recieve academy awards? Was someone PAYING someone to say they LIKED it?
Firstly..the idea of the boogie man chasing someone around with a fixed bolt kill gun and a bottle of compressed air...? I mean even the zombies in Shaun of the Dead would have been faster. And then it's like they decided to cut three clips out before the last seen with Tommy Lee Jones and his goofy dream sequence-hey! I LIKE the guy but they woulda hadda pay me BIG bucks to let them release that crap. NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN SUCKS!

Anonymous said...

well this movie isn't for the simple minded. maybe you should watch daddy day care's much easier to understand, idiot.

Anonymous said...

well this movie isn't for the simple minded. maybe you shoud watch daddy day care 2. chances are you could wrap your narrow mind around that one, idiot.

Anonymous said...

this movie isn't for the simple minded. maybe you should check out daddy day care 2. it might be up your narrow minded alley, idiot.

Pango said...

'Idiot' guy, how would you compare it to "A Simple Plan"? That's a lot closer than "Daddy Day Care", which is not a very good movie. Thanks for posting three times! You are helping to keep me at the top of Google search!

Anonymous said...

Yes the move sucked. It was sort of good for a while, then it fizzled big time. But my general opinion is that it sucked.

Anonymous said...

I thought the movie was going to go somewhere good but they decided to just end it with nothing really happening and everyone dying except for a sheriff that didnt really do anything either. all the movie was was a slaughter fest were some big guy killed people. next time im just gonna stick with jason.

Anonymous said...

i agree. I actually did a google search for no country for old men sucks, to see if anyone else felt the same way.

I think the main guy acted well, although I wasn't sure whether he was meant to have an american or spanish accent (from what I know he is spanish). The start of the movie looked really promising to me.

But I agree with the plot being all over the place, I am not from the US, but it was bloody hard to understand what they were saying sometimes and they just seemed to introduce characters off the cuff. I was left wondering for a couple of minutes on occasions, where did that guy come from? The movie was playing around them like we already knew who they were. Sure you figured it out after a little that "this" is what has happened, but personally I feel that takes you out of the movie.

The movie looked great though and definitely had a style to it. Loved the way they colored the landscape and there were some supspensful moments. But all in all I thought it was a bit contrived.

Glad we are helping you stay at the top of google.

Anonymous said...

Well, add me to the list that googled No Country for Old Men sucks!

I suppose you can also count me as one of the non hollywood artsy elite, as I am a plain unenlightened part of masses that does not appreciate the artistic and ever so wonderful epic that is this show.

Silly me, but I actually expected a payoff and got none. They focused on Louellyn 3/4 of the show and I completely understand the power that is the cold blooded killer Javiar Bardeem plays, but for the antagonist to have 3/4 of a show and not even the beginnings of a showdown is pathetic!

dgrey395 said...

No Country for Old Men might be the most dangerous movie made since Pulp Fiction. But while Pulp Fiction was a movie that created it's own genre and helped spark the immensely fruitful indie genre, along with Clerks, NCfOM will spawn immitators that each be less than the orginal, which is quite subpar. Pulp Fiction is a movie that, according to it's title, harkens back to the days of smutty and dirty crime dramas, and Tarantino, just fresh from his break out Reservoir Dogs, is still new enough not to let his ego get in the way of making a movie that could have been a trainwreck (he waits until Jackie Brown to do that). PF is made in such a way that it celebrates the past while ushering in a new era of cinema: one that is bleak and cynical and uncompromising, but also has solutions to these problems, and creates characters that are truly of that time and place. PF did, however, spawn some awful films (The Way of Gun to name one) and the 90's crime drama was off and running. People did eventually backlash against this, and one of the children of the anti-PF crowd is No Country for Old Men. The Coens, working off Cormac McCarthy's worst book, create a film that is soooo bleak, soooo cynical, and soooo pesimestic that is amounts to a treatie and not a film. Josh Brolin plays Lewellyn Moss, a grizzled Vietnam vet who stumbles across and ass load of Mexican drug money that is left behind after a botch deal (along with a slew of bodies). Moss, being the nihlist that he is, takes the money, which is being tracked via blinking light by the owners of said money. But, like Omar says "Money aint got no owners, only spenders." Moss is then dogged by Anton Chigurah, a man even more nihalistic than Moss, who plays Harvey Dentesque games of life and death with gas station attendents and carries around a retracting bolt gun he uses to pop locks and brains. Moss and Chigurah, along with some drug dealers, engage in intense and violent shoot-outs and chashes, the most memorable being outside a hotel in the deserted steets of a small town. Left alone, this scene is pure magic, a western shootout in the modern vein of the Wild Bunch with a little Hitchcock mixed in. I say left alone, becaue the end of the film nulifies any importance the earlier sequences had. Moss, the presumptive hero, is killed 3/4 of the way through the movie, off screen mind you, and not even Anton, but by drug dealers. The shootouts, the plodding, methodical prodecurals the Coens put us through are, showing Moss hiding the money, running from Anton and setting up a climatic final battle with Anton, are rendered useless. The Coens did the most unforgiveable act in filmmaking: they made the audience care and invest time and energy into characters that don't matter. Worse still, they treat the audience like idiots, and, still on the horrible train, they make the audience feel like idiots. What is the overall point of setting of a narrative, setting up characters and then pulling the rug out from under the audience? And that's not to say I don't get the theme of the film: evil and chaos will swallow us all and we don't have any choice in the matter. I get that, but why make the point in the way they did? Most people praise the film for essentially having a placebo structure, for being bleak and "real" and for seeming smart when they say "oh, I get now, we're all doomed! I get things." The average movie audience is enthralled by their own destruction, and No Country for Old Men is no exception.

Mike Kutny said...

I was expecting a brilliant, but disturbing film, and got neither. I am a huge film buff, but hadn't had a chance to see this in the theater. I was so excited when the DVD arrived from Netflix, and so disappointed when I finally ejected the disc. The movie started out so promising, but where was it going? I suppose if I had read the original book I would have been prepared for the so-called "twists", etc. Killing off the main character suddenly, and without fanfare? Fine. But c'mon - this was pretense for the sake of pretense. The moral lament of the sheriff was a total snooze.

I'm the guy who LOVES the slow moving movie, who looks for the subtle twists and turns... but this was too much for me. I actually thought about ending the movie early, I was so disappointed with it. The pacing, the dialogue, the plot - boring. Yes, the coin toss scene is a classic. Yes, when the "assassin" is hunting down the protagonist, I was on the edge of my seat. But overall the movie was a snooze. When the protagonist is killed I had to pause the movie and go back. "Was that him?" my date asked? Yes, it was. Sure, great film making. Great cinematography. I love a movie that is brave enough to kill off the main character in the midst of things and keep going on. (One of my favorite books, Pillars of the Earth, does the same thing. But it did not stink!!!) But pretense gets in the way of a good story. This is not a good story.

I don't care about happy endings. I'm the first to admit that foreign and independent films are often the best as they don't care about catering to the lowest common denominator. But c'mon, who really liked this movie? Why are the critics so into it? This was so over-hyped thanks to the critics and the academy, and I felt completely ripped off. Funny thing is, I have a LOT of film buff friends, and have yet to find another living person who has enjoyed this movie. This makes me believe that the critics so miss film school that they will swoon over any "Hollywood" flick that brings back those risk-taking, yet amateurish stabs, at movie making.

Anonymous said...

yeah man..i bought this movie with all the hype and potential..and was DRASTICALLY pissed off when this movie ended.

it should be called "loose skin for old balls".

Anonymous said...

As other posters have mentioned, I did a google search for "No Country For Old Men" just to vent some frustration.

This movie just pissed me off. First of all, people who say this movie has subtle themes and "twists" should know that themes and twists alone don't make a movie, it has to have a compelling story to go along with it. Not some cliche wild west tale. I did not care much for the antagonist. Typical "bad guy" character. Some one mentioned that he was a complete "nihilist", no he wasn't. There is no morality in nihilism, yet he had his own "twisted" yet stupid IMO morality.

I have to say I just did not get this movie, call me dumb, call me stupid, this movie sucked.

i hate my husband said...

the movie was good up to the point of the truck driving off in elpaso with some running gun men jumping into the truck and women and child peaking out the door... from that moment when you have to "understand the main character died",since we did not even get to see it, to believe it.

it truly started to suck...

the ending really sucked.

Anonymous said...

My wife and I watched this last night, and I want that two hours of my life back.

The ramblings of Tommy Lee Jones' character may have enthralled others who felt that a cryptically delivered message makes the message interesting or even relevent, but for me it made the movie far too self-important and in doing so, destroyed what was shaping up to be an amazing, highly driven story.

They sacrificed a masterfully crafted movie in order to send the viewer a weak, heartless message.

No Country For Old Men sucks.

Anonymous said...

Power went off at home with about 20 minutes left in movie. Very unfortunate that it came RIGHT back on. I could have been spared the last 20 mins of this garbage.
Worst film I'ver seen since Jason Takes Manhatten!

Anonymous said...

Jason takes Manhattan isn't as bad as this movie becuas eyou know Jason movie's suck. The Coen Brothers are geniuses with an amazing wit and humor. With that in mind, this movie should be excellent. But it isn't. It sucks hardcore. It sucks a toyota through a chainlink fence!

Anonymous said...

I was actually enjoying it but then it just fell off the cliff. Don't f**k off an ending and call it art

Anonymous said...

this movie is not for dummies. thats all i have to say. if you didnt understand it go watch spider man or speed racer. something with pretty cgi effects to get your attention

Anonymous said...

This movie sucks harder than a cheer leader on prom night!

I read a lot of B.S. from people who try to justify how good it is and I'm just not buying into it. They jumped on the bandwagon and they are too chicken shet to jump off.

There is no reason for anyone to like this warm steamy load of crap.

They all seem to think that we don't like the film because we love happy ending ect. I enjoy a good tragedy just as much as everyone else... I thought "There will be blood was good".

NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN SUCKS!!! I will never watch it again! and JFYI I did watch it a second time just to be sure that I didn't miss some mystical profound hidden meanings.. I watched it objectively looking for any forms of philosophy and art. NOPE! it just sucks!

Unknown said...

THIS MOVIE FUCKING SUCKED. I was just reading eberts review of There Will Be Blood, and was enraged to find him praising No Country as a "great and perfect movie." PERFECT???? What was perfect about it? The way the plot disintegrated halfway through the movie? The excessive unrealistic violence? This movie fuckin' SUCKED BALLS plain and simple, don't be fooled by all the groundless praise that gets heaped onto it by fatheads like roger ebert. There Will Be Blood and No Country For Old Men are incomparable, for the former is so far superior to the latter, that to enumerate the reasons why is simply unnecessary for those who have seen both. The sucks on that shit and fuckin roger ebert. I cant wait for that old fuckin fart to bite the dust already.

Anonymous said...

I heard so much hype about this movie to begin with but friends told me the ending sucked. The beginning was pretty good, i was really into it until the guy who found the money died. After that there wasn't much going on. In fact nothing really happened, nothing was accomplished. Everyone dies, the bad guy gets away, and Tommy Lee Jones sits at home and cries about it. Cue the violins. I didn't think it was that bad overall but i had low expectations from the beginning. I could completely understand all of your frustrations going into the movie with high hopes. Unless your one of these guys who likes that weird sub narrative type stuff, where you feel all big about understanding the movie and you feel you have to defend yourself because there are people who didn't like the movie. If that's you, this is your flick.

Anonymous said...

It's the most overrated film of all time. Worst ending too.

Anonymous said...

The person who said that this movie is not for the Transformers crowd, I watch all kinds of movies, my favorite movies have all been Oscar contenders, and I hated No Country.

So that comment proves you wrong.

Anonymous said...

I'm also here because I googled "No Country for Old Men sucks", this was the first thing that popped up, and I couldn't agree more with your guys posts. This movie held my interest for the first half an hour - 45 minutes, then I fell asleep.

Unfortunately I actually rewound the DVD to see the other hour and a half I missed.. Biggest mistake I've made while watching a movie.

I get the "hidden message" of how Sh*t happens, and good doesn't always triumph over evil, and life is what it is, but seriously.. This movie was garbage. I feel sorry for the pretentious people who looked way too deeply into the "hidden message" that they atually thought this was good and completely missed the crappy plot, acting, scripting and overall story!!

Anonymous said...

I dont know why these motherfuckers made this movie??? A freak killer just killing everybody and the hero dies like a rotten pig!!! My brain hurting after watching this.... It suckkkkkkssssss.... Fuck youuuuuu

Anonymous said...

Yeah lots of people liked it, lots of people like nickleback too. Something being popular in NO WAY means it is ANY good.

This movie just didn't make sense. The worst thing in the laundry list of shit this movie was had to be killing the main character off screen. His death didn't even deserve to be seen. Why should I give a shit about this crap if the director didn't??

Unknown said...

Terrible ending! The movie rolls along and then out of nowhere, 90 minutes in, the main character is killed "off-screen"! He doesn't even get killed by the main villian! In short, all the supporting characters die, some on-screen and other off-screen. The main villian gets away and the only other character left gives up. The last 20 minutes were abrupt, boring, confusing and terrible. The ending was so bad I thought someone was playing a joke on me.

Unknown said...

The ending was so bad I thought someone was playing a joke on me. The film takes so much time getting the audience emotionally connected to the story and characters. Then suddenly, the main character is killed 90 minutes into the movie "off-screen"? All the supporting characters are killed too. The main villain gets away and the only character left just gives up. The first 90 minutes are awesome. The last 30 minutes are so bad I don't even know what to say. Just terrible.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. Watched this in 2012. Movie sucks balls

Anonymous said...

just saw this movie, and I must say it was not very good.
It had some potential, but wasted it for this crap.

Glad I did not pay to see this..